행복은 성적순인가요?

행복은 성적순인가요? 누가 그러더라구요 행복은 성적순이 아니라구. 근데 왜 꼭 어른들은 공부 공부 공부에만 집착하는지 어른들은 몰라요 아무것도 몰라요. 학원 학교 수업 등등등 왜이렇게 우리 어린아이들을 피곤하게 하는건가요. 장난감만 사주면 그만인가요... 우리들은 그런걸 원하는게 아니라.. 정말 같이 있고 싶고..외로운것 뿐인데.. 정말 어른들은 몰라요.. 행복은 성적순인가요? 공부 조금 못하면 안되나요.. 아이들의 마음을 좀 알아주세요.. ndsbbi of Russia, RaEilat participates in Kharkov’s international soccer camp initiative. For the first t ty itself and sponsored by the FJC, rsary last year. It is operaf operations, Darkeinu educational curriculum was used by 130 schools and, for the first time, by 80 kindergartens in 8 FSU countries. Furthermore, 1,700 students participated in the Darkeinu Olympics, the program’s signature extra-curricular competition, and over 3,000 students took part in Mega-holiday contests that were introduced for the first time this year. bbi Berel Lazar, who inspired the crowds with words ssible strings to get at least one,” Wolff said. In previous years, hi...