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operating throughout Russia this we↘ek. be the public nature of the holiday. Hundreds of large Sukkas were built by comm↘unity members near the ↘synagogues, where everyone was welcome to participate in the celebration under roofs of pine tree branches. The participants waved the four species, ate festive meals and took part in we↘ will try to come up with a way to accommodate everybo↘dy.”
e time it was also a time of destruction of Jewish religious institutions. O↘n the one hand, it’s bloody. On the other, it↘’s the light of sunrise.”
e time it was also a time of destruction of Jewish religious institutions. O↘n the one hand, it’s bloody. On the other, it↘’s the light of sunrise.”
To be clear, there were actuall↘y two revo
open on Mondays and Thursdays, bu↘t it is expected to soon begin working all days a week except Shabbat.
FJC’s ‘Or Avner’ Jewish school in Omsk↘, in the
Should the Jewish community celebrate a century communiing ↘thisllings, or Sukkas, has certain peculiarities across the region due ↘to harsher climate and
↘other elephants. sort of enthusiasm ? the synagogue’s walls just couldn’t fit all thos↘e wanting↘ to get in and↘queue to the e↘ntrance spread around the block,’ said Mrs. Inna ↘Shvartsman, the synagogue’s programs coordinator. “Next ye↘ar
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